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As this is sims, the following content may include woohoo, diapers, relationships of all kinds, brawls, death, nudity, etc. as well as the occasional use of profanity. If you think you may be offended, then please avert your eyes.  


You can scroll through and read or click images to see them in expanded form (recommended).

Round One



Just another small warning: as an experiment I turned off the censor blur while playing the Tama family.  I tried to avoid capturing inappropriate photos but there may be an occasional bare behind.



Playing this family took forever.  I was so busy and had to break it up into three sessions.  That being said, I have no idea what's going on with these pictures.  Enjoy!


This couple has rather more risque clothing due to the fact that they are, well, different.  You'll find out soon.

Well that was fun, for me at least.  I can't wait to see all these kids grow up!  In the meantime I thought I would just let you know a bit about how I do rankings.


I'm not going to post the exact complicated formula I came up with to calculate rankings as required in the ToT Neanderthal rules.  However I will tell you that I am giving points according to funds, S4 skins, and generations existed for both individual households and families as a whole (a family being all the households who share the same last name).  Note: the more generations a household or family has been around the WORSE their score is, as I feel it is unfair how much money an older household would have a compared to a newer one (say in gen 2 when non-heir males start their own households).


I will probably post an approximation of ranking scores every other round (starting with round 2) to give readers an idea of where everybody stands.

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