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Round Three


Recap: Tursten became a plantsim (then changed back to a human) and Aliah gave birth to twins!  Targe grew up into a child and his talent for fishing meant that Aliah and Tursten could tend to the tots without too much stress.

Wow I need to learn to stop taking so many pictures.


Recap: Iloise did basically everything last round, from fishing to birthing, and from repairing to reviving sunstroked husbands.  Isaak, the philosopher and heir, was born which to Iloise was as exciting as the weather.  Isaak became the first carrier of Herrar's mismatched eye gene.  Iliana grew up into a rebel child and one more child, Grig was born.


Recap: Last time Fenrir grew up and grew up again but realized he still wasn't taller than anything.  Findir fathered another son with lighter skin, Misha, and became the forefather of all cosmetics.  And Melina revealed she's pregnant again!

Playing the Holonson's this round was probably the hardest so far.  I'm dreading having to play them again with things being left off the way they were.  Everybody exhausted and suffering from heatstroke.  Except baby Milek.  Well I predict the next round will be tougher with Alain and Noelle raising the triplets.


Recap: Noelle went insane.  And that was even before she and Alain had triplets Yul, Nasya, and Zakhar.  Aariela grew up into a child.


Recap: The Karr's third child Daemon was born, and Dion got stuck with permanent bubbles.  After being harrassed by her neighbour Melina constantly, Tumnal finally gave in and got pregnant again, despite the struggle it already was to feed her family.

This round was absolutely devastating for me.  First it was so hard, and then...well let's just say I've never experienced that before.

Well.  I'm still in a bit of a shock from the Karr's round.  Before today I'd never had any of my sims die before their time.  The least of my concerns is that the elf gene pool was just severely depleted.  Originally I was going to say that any children taken from the social worker were "killed by a wild animal" but now I want them back.  If I can find a way to cheat some of them back I will only go through with it if I can think of a logical and fair "Neanderthal" way to get them back.  Like say they were abducted by a rival tribe and the Karr's can get their heir (Dion) back if they give up all of their funds.  Something like that.  That way it's not too cheaty.  But ah well, I have till next round to think about it.


On a cheerier note, next round the first kids will grow up into teens so at least we got something to look forward to!



UPDATE: It turns out I'm not brave enough to let that many kids go so I moved all six of the kids back in with their parents.  I also put in Inge's NoWelfare mod as some people on modthesims pointed out to me that a social worker isn't very accurate for the time period.  I'm going to use that as my argument here.

Anywho, don't be worried or confused if you see Dion, Darita, or Daemon come home from school with other kids.

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