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Round Four


Recap: The twins, Tanja and Alek grew up, Alfa was born, and Targe prepared for his teens years by snoozing a lot.  I also realized none of the kids displayed Aliah's greens eyes :O


Recap: Not much happened except that baby Idrin was born and Isaak grew up into a child.  I can guarantee a lot more happened this round.

Well that was exciting.  In case you missed it, every kid had at least one birthday (Idrin had two).  Although I missed taking pictures of it, Iliana did a lot of "behind-the-scenes" help with raising the TRIPLETS (yikes, I really need to change the trips/quads odds but I won't do that until next round because I want each family to have equal opportunity for babies).  Also, just as a point of interest: Iloise, Isaak, Hrui, and Ham all have the exact same skin tone and eye colour.  Take that as you will.


Recap: I fell in love with the Holonson's new daughter, Faye.  Milek was also born and the lot was so hot one night that the couch was the only safe place to rest.


Recap: Baby Nahal was born.  Some competition began to brew between the heir, Yul, and his brother Zakhar.


Recap: Last time the SOCIAL WORKER took all of Da'h and Tumnal's children (including the toddler triplets) but I was too chicken to let them go for good so they are back this round. Tumnal is also pregnant again!

This round was a bit of a blur for me.  I don't remember much except now there are THREE SETS of triplets (I am finally going to lower the odds to a lot less) and that some dating among teens started happening as well.


For those who are interested, the current household funds and rankings for the challenge are below.  Just a reminder, the more points a household has, the lower their rank is, so currently the Karr's are winning.

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